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Happily married, financially secure couple will LOVE & CHERISH your baby. We love children & will dedicate our lives to your baby. We'd love to give your baby a lifetime of unconditional love, music, extended family, beautiful home, world travel, limitless opportunities, financial security and so much more.

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Please call or text us anytime 959-201-1337

We’re Isela and Michael - ¡Hola! and G’day!


Thank you for taking some time to learn about us and for allowing us to share with you a bit about us, our family, and our dream to devote our lives to a child. If you are reading this, then we know that you have an important decision to make for you and your child. We appreciate that this may be a challenging time for you. We admire your courage as you take these important steps and we thank you for considering us for your child’s future.


We hope after reading this you’ll have a better idea about how much we love children, who we are, and about the life we would be honored and thrilled to provide your child. Most importantly, we hope that you will know that we are excited to share a lifetime of unconditional love, support, and happiness with your child.


We hope to meet you soon and look forward to getting to know each other better.

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A little bit about us

Almost 20 years ago, Isela and Michael were first introduced to each other by our mutual friend, Natarsha, soon after we both moved to New York City. From the start, Michael loved Isela’s big, beautiful smile, her kindness, and her honesty. He was impressed with her love of travel and languages, being fluent in English and Spanish and having taught herself Portuguese. For her part, Isela liked Michael’s sense of humor, deep intellect, and insatiable curiosity. She also thought it was pretty cool that he was a drummer and liked to play in bands in his spare time. Michael still plays with bands around town and Isela is always an enthusiastic fan of his playing. We both look forward to sharing our love of music with a child.

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Not long after we met, Michael left New York for graduate school to study Environmental Management, and his job then took him to Australia for several years. While we didn’t see each other very often, we stayed in touch throughout this time. After Michael moved back to the U.S. we quickly re-connected and re-kindled our relationship. We were happily – and finally! – married in a small and intimate ceremony in NYC, where we now own our home. This was followed by lots of parties we threw to celebrate our wedding with our family and friends living in New York City, Houston, Chicago, as well as in Denmark.


We are excited to be parents

Family is important to us, and we both always hoped to be parents. We each come from large families, where holidays, birthdays, and graduations are celebrated together, and proud achievements and life anniversaries are shared with family and friends of all ages. Devoting our lives to a child and including a child in these traditions is a long-held and cherished dream for both of us, and we are excited for you to consider blessing us with your child.


One of our biggest joys is to spend time with friends and family who have children. Isela comes from a big family of Mexican heritage – in addition to her two sisters, Hilda and Brenda, she has 10 aunts and uncles and dozens of cousins. Family events always need a big venue!


Michael has an older brother, Ian, six cousins, and lots of 2nd cousins. He grew up seeing his extended family often and some of his happiest childhood memories are summer vacations and Christmas together. Isela and Michael are also a proud aunt and uncle to Allyson and Carl, Ian, and our sister-in-law Anna’s kids. Michael got them a trampoline for Christmas when they were younger and remembers helping them set it up in their backyard. This quickly became a big hit with the neighborhood kids!


Starting our own family has been a challenge for us. We tried for several years to have a child, struggling with infertility. This was a difficult and disappointing time for us both. Isela, in particular, suffered through IVF treatments, multiple injections, and numerous disappointing pregnancy tests.


Despite these disappointments, we are more certain than ever of how important devoting our lives to a child is to us. We have come to realize that loving and nurturing a child is the most important thing to us, and that we do not need a biological connection to a child to feel that love, commitment, and devotion. We look forward to our loving and caring family unconditionally embracing your child.  Our families are excited for us and are waiting patiently for the arrival of the new addition to our family. Some of us, like Isela’s sister Brenda, are actually pretty impatient about it!


We’re excited to share everything with a child

We will be very proud to help your child be a happy and fulfilled person. We know we’re in for a lot of surprises – big and small – once a child comes along! But in keeping with what we were taught by our own parents – and learning from the best we’ve seen from our siblings, cousins, and friends who have kids of their own – here are some things we believe will help to raise and help a child succeed:


  • Loving your child unconditionally

  • Making your child feel safe and secure and supported each and every day

  • Giving him or her the self-confidence to follow their dreams and fulfill their potential by always being their biggest cheerleader and safety net

  • Always being patient with him or her as he or she continues to grow

  • Instilling values we think are important - honesty, generosity, empathy, effort, respect

  • Learning about his or her biological family’s culture and traditions

  • Encouraging a sense of curiosity and joy in the world they are a part of

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Things that we like to do together

We prioritize our relationships with family, friends, and of course with each other. Isela and Michael come from different countries and cultures, and we’ve embraced each other’s families, traditions, and stories. We look forward to sharing these things with your child, too! At the same time, it’s important to us to learn your child’s culture and stories and integrate those into our family.



Christmas is an important time for both of us. Michael’s mother, Bente, is Danish and Michael has enjoyed introducing Isela to Christmas in Denmark with his family. Ever since Michael was a kid, the whole family would get together on December 1 to decorate the house with traditional Danish Christmas ornaments. To this day, Michael’s mum sends a Christmas decoration that she made to her kids and grandkids to include in the December 1 decorating. Christmas lasts all month long, (can you imagine how wonderful this is for a child?) including lighting different candles on different days, opening an advent calendar, going to Christmas markets, and enjoying time with loved ones. We can’t wait to share this celebration with your child.


For her part, Isela grew up in a big family in a working-class neighborhood in Chicago. She has introduced Michael to happy events with lots of traditional Mexican food – like ‘tamales’ and ‘pozole’ – with Mexican music playing in the background. In Mexico, Christmas is also an extended holiday that culminates on January 6 with the ‘Dia de los Reyes Magos’ – the Day of the Three Kings – where small gifts and treats are left for the children inside a shoe by the door representing the Biblical story of the three wise kings that came to give gifts to the baby Jesus.


Like decorating our own house on December 1, we also now give each other little gifts on January 6, and sometimes even leave them for each other in a shoe by the door! Your child will not lack for times to celebrate!


We’re both active and curious people who enjoy exploring new places and activities. We love to travel – Isela is definitely the chief planner, although Michael is pretty good at organizing a surprise weekend trip out of town. We enjoy going for hikes in a nearby forest or along a section of coastline. Closer to home, we try to take advantage of the many opportunities New York City has to offer, like going to see live music, to the theater, and to the many museums here.


We are passionate about maintaining our health. A big part of this is cooking healthy meals at home. Michael is head cook in the household and enjoys experimenting with fresh veggies that we buy together at the local farmer’s market. Isela likes to chip in by making meals that reflect her Mexican heritage. Dinner is an important time for us to sit, talk, and be together while music plays in the background. Sometimes it’s just us and sometimes we share this time with friends or family. Raisin, our gentle pup, patiently waits for anything that may fall off the table and more often than not gets a treat, just because we love her.


Most important to us is being good role models for your child, continuing to build and nurture a supportive partnership based on love, mutual respect, and communication. We look forward to role-modeling these values for your child.


More about us

About Isela

Isela is a proud daughter of Mexican immigrants. She grew up speaking Spanish at home and learned English in Kindergarten. She’s always loved learning and school, and was the first in her family to graduate from college and then onwards to a master’s degree. Her adventurous spirit led her to study abroad in Spain for a year while in college and, later on, to Brazil where she learned Portuguese before starting graduate school. She’s grateful to have traveled to 60+ countries (and counting!) for work and vacation. Isela, however, keeps her feet firmly on the ground - she is honest, hard-working, loyal, and has never forgotten where she comes from.


She is thankful for the opportunities she’s had and doesn’t take anything for granted. She’s a person of faith and thankful to God for the blessings she’s had.


About Michael

Michael was born in Australia to a Danish mother and Australian father. He grew up in different places, including in Europe, Asia, Australia, and the U.S, and has traveled widely throughout his life. A natural extrovert, Michael loves being surrounded by friends and family, and likes to make people laugh. More importantly, he seeks to understand people as individuals and is always ready to help his loved ones in small and big ways.  Music is his great passion and he grew up playing violin and drums. He still enjoys playing the drums in bands. His other great passion is the environment and conservation and likes nothing more than being outside in nature or in a garden.


Since he was young, Michael has been aware of just how lucky he’s been to have these remarkable opportunities to travel and explore his interests. He looks forward to providing your child with these same opportunities to discover and explore their interests.


Our families

Our families and friends are excited for us to become parents and we know we can count on their love and support as we take on the most important job of raising a child. We’ve been grateful for their advice and look forward to getting input from all our family and friends who have kids!


Our parents and siblings and their families live in Chicago, Houston, and The Netherlands. We are close to many members of our extended family, who live in Denmark, Mexico, Australia, Texas, and California and can’t wait to introduce your child to these special people who will happily be your child’s aunts, uncles, cousins, and relatives.


Our friends

We are lucky to have a big group of friends, who we think of as our chosen family. We have close and trusted friends from grade school, high school, college, and graduate school, plus those we’ve met living and working in different places. They all are rooting for us as we become parents and look forward to welcoming a child as part of our big extended family.


Raisin, our beloved little rescue dog, joined our family in 2020 and is a constant delight for us. We enjoy our daily walks with her and we know Raisin is going to be a trusted companion to your child.

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Our home - where we live

We own our home in Brooklyn, New York, which we enjoy for its diversity and excitement. We live in a lovely and safe neighborhood and our home is bright with a garden, where Michael likes to grow plants and veggies. We like to have dinner there while enjoying the view of NYC and meeting with our neighbors and friends when the weather is warm. We are excited to start a vegetable and flower garden with a child where everyone in the family picks the flowers and veggies to grow each spring.  Even Raisin can get in on the action trying to catch the bees pollinating our little garden!


Nearby is beautiful Prospect Park, where we walk Raisin every morning. We’re also really close to the Botanical Garden, the Public Library, and a farmer’s market where we like to buy our fresh veggies on the weekends. We think our lives are richer for having these wonderful resources nearby, and we use them all. We look forward to sharing the value of these simple and joyful activities with your child.


What we do for work

Isela has a successful career in finance. She enjoys her work a great deal and finds meaning and value in the work she does helping teachers and others plan for their retirements and financial futures.

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Michael is a successful consultant working on environmental and sustainability issues. He thinks it's important to help companies and people to be more environmentally sustainable, and enjoys working with younger members of his team to help them build their own careers.


We are fortunate that we’re settled in our careers and able to create a stable and loving home for your child. We are both able to work remotely and from home. At least one of us, and often both of us, will be home with your child every day. It’s important to us both that we spend this valuable time with a child.

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Thank you deeply ….

Thank you again for your time reading this brief introduction to who we are. We hope this has helped you to learn a little about who we are, who we hope to be as parents, and the kind of life we will joyfully offer your child. We would be thrilled to hear from you and to learn about you and what you want for your child. Please know that we will be considerate of your preferences as we get to know each other.


Whatever decision you make, we wish you health, strength, and happiness in this journey.


With love,


Isela and Michael


Contact info

Please feel free to contact us directly at the following:

Call or text us at 959-201-1337




If you have questions about us or the legal process, you may also contact our attorney, Suzanne Nichols.


Suzanne is happy to answer any of your questions and may be reached at her toll-free number.

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